No, I didn't misspell anything. Hot Chip is playing for FREE this Monday, 4/23. It's being put on by WMRE, Emory University Student Radio. General admission is free and open to the public (you don't have to be an Emory student to get in), and it begins promptly at 8:00pm. Show up early because seating is limited, and admission is not guaranteed unless you have a ticket (although it's not necessary to have a ticket to get in, it just guarantees entry). And the only way to get them is to win them through WMRE, listen online here.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
FREE Hot Chip show this Monday 4/23 @ The Variety Playhouse
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4:16 PM
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
(((((((((((((((((((my thoughts))))))))))))))))))))
I wanted to offer my condolences to the families & friends of the Virginia Tech students & faculty who were killed on Monday morning. I'm truly saddened & horrified. I do hope that, as always, our focus will turn to solutions rather than blame. Not to say that this could have been prevented, but who knows maybe it could have been. People who are capable of violent acts like this may be beyond help, but that doesn't mean someone shouldn't try. Maybe high school and college counselors will take note, and take a little extra time and seek to help out students who may not ask for it on their own. I'm not religious, but my thoughts are with the victims' friends and families, as well as those who might be contemplating doing something as horrible as this. If you are please get help, NOTHING is worth taking someone's life.
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3:56 PM
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Happiness Returns, JAGJAGUWAR Springs Forth!
Four score and several months ago, a foul stink overtook our happiness, bringing us and all whom we cherish to our knees. This stench was known by many names, but preferred one over the others: Mainstreamradio. Many fled, most hid in small caverns waiting for a moment, a sign, something that would clean the sleep from the people's eyes, arouse their passions & clear the stench from the air. The time has finally come, Jagjaguwar is here! First seen crossing between the fjords and the Pink Mountaintops near the ominous Black Mountain. It soon traveled down into the Wilderness, along the expansive Okkervil River. Upon hearing the first seductive sounds, many sprang from the caverns wence they hid to join Jagjaguwar. Many including the elusive Odawas and the indigenous Oneida. They gathered weapons of various sizes and headed towards the breathtaking Besnard Lakes, then onto the strangely beautiful Swan Lake. It was time to drive Mainstreamradio into hiding, it was time to dream & dance, it was time for happiness! All this will be documented in the Minus Story, in an attempt to prevent future generations from allowing the stench that is Mainstreamradio to surface again. REJOICE!!
(Seriously, the amount of raw, amazing talent on this label is truly staggering!)
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8:54 AM
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Labels: black mountain, jagjaguwar, minus story, odawas, okkervil river, oneida, pink mountaintops, swan lake, The Besnard Lakes, wilderness
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
MP3 links: Newgoodstuff 4-17-07
Here are some MP3s of some new music worth checking out:
[MP3] Minus Story - "Stitch Me Up" from "My Ion Truss" out 6/19 (via
[MP3] Queens of the Stone Age - "Era Vulgaris" Unreleased (via
[MP3] One More Grain - "Against King Moron" from "Pigeon English" (via
Check, check, check 'em out!!
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4:29 PM
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Labels: minus story, one more grain, queens of the stone age
Trans Am, Zombi, Psychic Paramount @ The Earl, Atlanta, GA 4/13/07 : SHOW REVIEW
Almost didn't make it to this show, but "almost" doesn't matter. And that's a good thing 'cause this was a great show for two reasons: (1) I discovered a great new band (2) Trans Am was "muy fabuloso"!! The great new band was Psychic Paramount. They weren't breaking any new ground or anything, but I did thoroughly enjoy hearing 'em. Their music was instrumental (no surprise there..touring with Trans Am & Zombi...yeah), but they added some really awesome gritty psyche-rock elements into the mix. Although I thought the songs could have been a little shorter, it was still good times! I'm curious to hear their studio work. Zombi was OK, not super, just OK. Two guys trying to play three guys worth of music was impressive, but seemed unnecessary. They could have just brought another guy..or gal, I'm equal opportunity here. Instrumental music is so hard to translate into a live set for me. If the band doesn't add some spunk or energy into it then it kind of goes flat & boring. Zombi hovered somewhere inbetween. Now Trans Am brought the hotness! It was like 1985 up in there and I half-expected The Terminator to bust in and try to kill Sarah Connor at any moment. Synth-rock at it's finest. Fun, fun, fun. Anyone whose listened to them before knows they aren't pushing any envelopes here, the music is derivative...but it's like great rap, sampling from the best of best, or kitchiest of the kitchiest in this case. Awesomeradicalwickedness. Hooray. Unfortunately I had to leave a couple of songs before they finished, so I guess I'll just have to catch 'em again to make up for it. Like I wouldn't have anyway ;-).
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4:11 PM
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Labels: psychic paramount, the earl, trans am, zombi
Monday, April 16, 2007
I think my computer issues are solved?
So I think I've finally fixed the last of my recent computer issues. Hopefully. Knock on wood. That stuff is really annoying...but you don't wanna hear about that, it just means that I'll be a little more diligent with my posting schedule. Whewwww.
I'll have a show review for Trans Am, as well as some more hotness up tomorrow.
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8:09 PM
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The Twilight Sad "Fourteen Autumns and Fifteen Winters"
So I've been meaning to post on these guys for a bit, unfortunately computer issues and a lack of free time had postponed it. Oh well, better late than never, right? The Twilight Sad are anthemic post-rock. Like Mogwai with soaring choruses. Their debut full-length album, "Fourteen Autumns and Fifteen Winters" is amazing, I mean it's awesome...shit, it's really fuckin' good. I hate trying to come up with adjectives for music I really like, so instead I'll just say it was on repeat all day. All day. You should check out this album and their first self-titled EP. Here's a couple of tracks to get you started.
[MP3] The Twilight Sad - Mapped By What Surrounded Them from "Fourteen Autumns and Fifteen Winters" (via
[MP3] The Twilight Sad - And She Would Darken the Memory from "The Twilight Sad EP" (via
The Twilight Sad - FatCat Records Site | My Space
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7:38 PM
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Labels: the twilight sad